Environmental, Health & Safety
At BioCina we are committed to combining world class science with efficient delivery of high-quality, cost-effective microbial, pDNA and mRNA process contract development and manufacturing solutions.
In support of this, we are committed to high standards of Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS), to ensure our long-term success and business sustainability.
EHS Policy
Our EHS Mission
- To provide and ensure safe and healthy work conditions for all our employees, visitors, contractors and other stakeholders
- To ensure all our services and operations are performed and managed in ways that avoid or minimise any harm to the environment.
Our EHS Commitment
- Protect the health and safety of our employees, contractors, clients and other stakeholders
- Avoid or minimise any harm to the environment in the communities where we work and live
- Ensure compliance with all applicable EHS laws and regulations
- Effectively manage and continuously improve our EHS performance by proactively identifying opportunities to reduce risk
- Continuously educate and train all staff to work in a safe and environmentally responsible manner
- Setting and reviewing measurable objectives and targets that will assist us to achieve our goals of eliminating workplace injury and illness, minimising pollution and improving the environmental sustainability of our operations
- Including EHS performance in the selection criteria for suppliers and business partners
Our EHS Culture
- Safety comes First
- Senior management commitment to our programs
- All members are empowered to ensure our EHS policy is complied with
- All employees and contractors have the Stop-Work-Authority in case of any health and safety risk
- EHS risks are minimised and controlled
BioCina’s EHS Policy is implemented through its EHS Management System and is applicable to all BioCina team members, visitors, contractors, and other stakeholders.
Mark W. Womack
Chief Executive Officer
Michael Tsaconas
VP Operations and General Manager
Last Updated: November 8, 2023